So baby boy Pruis should be here soon as the planned delivery date is only three weeks away on Mon Sep 28.  Many people ask me if Lizzy “understands” that a baby is on the way.  That is hard for me to answer since I am far from an expert in what a two year old really understands…  However, it does seem like she has a pretty good inkling of what is going on.  She will often pat my stomach and say “baby boy in there.”  We are also trying to get her to realize that the baby will be with us all the time and not just for a brief visit, so we have been getting her involved in decorating his room and buying him clothes.   She now often refers to the “baby boy’s room” and she seems to enjoy shopping for baby clothes.  Maybe she has a better idea of what is coming than I do, as the other day I asked her what we were going to do with the baby boy when he was here, and she answered “hug and kiss him.”  Sounds like a good answer to me!

In the meantime, what else are we doing?  Tim is still working with the same company.  Even though he enjoys his job, he says the best part of his day is when he comes home and hears Lizzy yell “DADDY!”  Between Lizzy and the dog attacking him when he gets home, I am surprised he is able to stay standing sometimes…  As for me, I went back to work for the fall semester in early to mid-Aug after having about a month and a half off.  I am not teaching any lectures and instead I am co-teaching three lab sections with a couple different people.  Keep in mind the three lab sections total exactly 1000 students and this involves overseeing and training ~ 50 different TAs, so it is not really an easy job.  While I miss my lecture section(s), this course load is very nice as it gives me a lot of flexibility with my schedule.  The nicest part is that I am only working on campus three days a week, and am working from home the rest of the time.  Therefore Lizzy has been able to transition to her new day-care by only going three days a week instead of all five.  Lizzy started at a very nice day-care/pre-school about three weeks ago, because Addy started Kindergarten and Patty got a new job and they could no longer watch her.  While I miss seeing my friend Patty and Lizzy misses seeing here “sister” Addy every day, the new situation is working out quite well.  Her teachers report that Lizzy is playing, eating, interacting, sleeping, and over all doing well during the day.  Also, Lizzy seems to really like her “school” as she often talks about her classmates and her two main teachers.  Tim and I were worried that by starting at the new place she would regress in her potty training, but thankfully she is still making good progress in that department both at school and at home, as she often goes a whole day (and sometimes night) with no accidents!  Once the baby boy arrives I will be on maternity leave for ~ 12 weeks, however to keep some consistency for Lizzy she will go to school twice a week instead of three times.

I know that was a long update, but we have been busy and not staying in good touch with a lot our friends and family.  With the baby’s arrival just around the corner I figured I better give a decent update now as who knows what is going to happen to the frequency of the posts when there is a second kid in the house! 

As you may or may not know, we are expecting a baby due Oct 3.  Currently we are 20  weeks (i.e. halfway) along.  There were a few months of complete exhaustion and nausea, but other than that all is going well :-)  We just found out last week that the baby is a boy.  Prior to finding out the gender, Tim was pretty sure it was a girl, I was clueless, and Lizzy was CONVINCED it was a boy…  It was so funny because Lizzy was so sure it was a boy.  We would ask her questions like “ boy or girl?”  “sister or brother” and she would always emphatically state “BOY!”  Well, turns out she was right!